Underground Storage Tanks Regulatory Program

Underground Storage Tanks (UST) Regulatory Program:
The Tribal UST Program monitors the Reservation-wide UST facilities; provide technical support to facilities in order to stay in compliance with the Federal Underground Storage Tank regulatory requirements (40 CFR Part 280).

The Fort Apache Indian Reservation has 11 operating UST facilities that include tribal and small businesses:

Underground Storage Tanks Leaks Region 9 Map 

  • Tribal owned businesses – 7 sites  


  • Private businesses – 4 sites

What is an Underground Storage Tank (UST)?

An underground storage tank (UST) is a tank and any connected underground piping that has at least 10 percent of its combined volume underground. Federal regulations require owners/operators of USTs to have proper corrosion protection, spill and overfill protection, a leak detection system, and financial assurance for liability.

If the USTs are not in compliance or upgraded, the tanks may leak into the ground water, surface water or surrounding soil causing harm to the public health and safety of the people and the environment.

Program goals:

  • Identify tank owners and provide technical assistance and trainings for owners and operators.
  • Assist and support US EPA on compliance inspections and other UST activities.
© 2017 White Mountain Apache Tribe